Name: Janoš Guljaš Company: NewReleases Role: Founder, Software Engineer Favorite Quote: “What I cannot create, I do not understand." - Richard Feynman Favorite Book: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust Janoš has graduated Physics at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He is currently working as Software Engineer for Ethereum foundation, with a decade of software development and
A digital marketer is never truly off the clock. No matter how carefully one might plan and schedule posts, there's always that one sneaky post forgotten about; there are some special occasion and festival posts still waiting to be created, or an ad that is yet to run. Whether you are an ‘expert’ in digital
Name: Tesa Colvin Company: Borrow My MBA Role: Publishing Coach & Consultant Favorite Quote: “I'd rather fail forward, than fail standing still.” Favorite Book: The Game of Life and How to Play it by Florence Scovel Shinn Tesa Colvin, an Award Winning Publishing Coach & Consultant. She is the Best Selling Author and can be seen
Have you looked at the world’s wealthiest and most successful people and wondered if you could ever get there? Have you ever marveled at their ambitious ways of getting things done? If that is you, then you might also be wondering what it takes to build your own business empire. While it’s easy to look
Name: Alexander Golick Company: Intensify Marketing and Advertising Agency Role: Principal Favorite Quote: “Don’t confuse activity with productivity. Many people are simply busy being busy.” - Robin Sharma Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Alexander Golick's path started with a love of strategy, problem-solving, and efficiency. His hobbies progressed from strategic video and board games,
Name: Pamela Lewerenz Company: The Brick Wall Coach Role: Masterful Mentor Favorite Quote: “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." - Joshua J. Marine Favorite Book: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance Pamela Lewerenz grew up in Northeastern Connecticut and graduated from business school with a concentration on accounting
Name: Amy Hebdon Company: Paid Search Magic Role: Founder Favorite Quote: “A problem clearly defined is already partially solved.” Favorite Book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey Amy Hebdon is a paid search expert who has been helping companies grow their businesses using paid media since 2004. She’s managed several hundred million dollars in
Name: Alex Potor Company: ExpoTor Role: Co-Founder Favorite Quote: "Willing to eat the sand when needed to make the play." Favorite Book: Venture Deals by Feld & Mendelson Alex Potor, used to be a teacher in an elementary school after completing an MBA. She is experienced in the gaming, pharmaceutical, chemical, and retail business. She has been
Name: Neil Napier Company: Kyvio Role: CEO Favorite Quote: "Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction." Favorite Book: Flipnosis Neil's first fling with marketing started with copywriting. Even before that - he was a Masters graduate forced into virtual work because of missed opportunities (and getting fired) locally. Copywriting gave him an ability to have measured the
Name: Fabienne Raphael Company: Role: Online Business Consultant, Speaker, Podcaster Favorite Quote: "Success is something you attract by the person you become" - Jim Rohn Favorite Book: The 4 Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz Fabienne Raphael is an online business consultant, speaker, and podcaster. She helps experts transition from an unfulfilled corporate career to a thriving online