With millions of posts that are uploaded every day, it can be difficult to get your content to stand out from the rest of the social media noise. Visual contents perform better than plain text and have a major impact on the viewers.

Source: NeoMam

Graphic design is the art of using images and typography elements to convey information or form an effect. When we typically think of graphic design, what comes to our mind are interesting designs, lots of colors (or just two), unique logos — and what not! It is everywhere, from the newspaper that you read first thing in the morning to the Instagram feed that you scroll through each night before you sleep.

And since social media is one of the most important marketing tools today, graphic design and social media marketing go much closer than what one might assume. That is why, graphic design in very —  we emphasize, very important in social media marketing.

Don’t believe us? Well, maybe the points below will change your mind!

Visual posts perform better than texts

Source: HubSpot Research

Human mind processes visual information faster and more effectively than texts. A reader’s opinion is shaped by the designs and infographics they see before they even read your content.

That is why it is compelling to use visual posts to grab readers’ attention in an instant. Visual posts are easy to understand and allow the viewers to engage with ease. For example, photos on Facebook get 53% more likes than a plain text post, they are far more likely to stir emotions among the viewers.

If you want to interact with your users in an inventive and exciting way, then graphic design is the right way to go! Not only do the posts perform well, they also leave an impact on the viewers, making them want to follow you to be updated.

Consistent branding/ Brand recognition

Everything from the logo to business cards should be consistent in terms of designs and branding. Inconsistent branding can be bluntly termed as an amateur business. To avoid this for any business and get the hallmark of professionalism, graphic design helps to cater the needs of consistency in branding.

If you think about McDonald’s, there’s that majestic bright yellow twirly M against the red background. If you think about Apple, there’s this apple from which a bite had been munched out. At large, these large and successful companies have the same logo, colors and design techniques painted throughout their products and advertisements, making it instantly recognizable.

Make your business stand out

Source: Inc

Posts with proper branding and graphic design will help people recognize your business and your company to stand out.

If you have a look at the social media handles for a company like DesignPac, you can see that they do not use the same template and design for all the posts. However, they still do a good job at maintaining their branding, playing over with the designs over a consistent color palette: an eye-catching mix of bright blue, orange and white. This helps any company to stand out from the crowd and place themselves on a high pedestal, garnering higher reach and identification.

While text-only posts can be helpful, it’s time you switch to pictures and images with a quality graphic design. Everyone loves visually pleasing posts over texts any day!

Attract traffic to your website

Eye-pleasing graphic designs do not only have your viewers hooked on social media, but also promote your website by driving them into it. When the standing of your business in social media is effective, it makes people want to visit your website, as long as you have creative content with innovative designs. It’s needless to say that the rankings of your website will definitely improve!

Using images and graphics to showcase a specific product or service with little helpful information entices viewers to want to learn more about that product/service. First, viewers get to know about your product/service. Second, since your post also contains some information about it, viewers tend to click on the post for further information. This helps to drive traffic to your website for information regarding the post, as well as to check out other products and services that you offer.

Ready to take on a leap with graphic design for your next social media marketing strategy?

A compelling graphic design has a huge impact on your social media presence. It creates an impact on your viewers while also building a sense of trust and security. Creative contents with visually pleasing and beautiful designs help your viewer stick around for future posts, or better yet, convert them into your possible clients.

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