We have a large pool of dedicated React JS developers allowing you the chance to rent the best one that suits your requirements at flexible hiring model.
Share us your project details or required skills of developers to find the profiles of perfect match according to your needs.
We come up with the list of potential developers from our pool. You are allowed for initial chat via Slack and choose the one you like.
Within 12-24 hrs of signing up, we will assign a developer you chose who will be available in Slack & work as your remote employee.
Due to extensive experience of working with clients like you, it's easy to work together.
Our vetted developers are reliable extension of your team unlike other freelancers.
Hire, fire or lay off the developer is not going to cost you an extra penny or paperwork.
Use Jira, Asana or any other tools, there is a seamless collaboration with developers.
Despite different timezones, developers are almost available anytime to answer you.
Leave days will be covered during weekend or next day to fulfill the work hours.
or $25 per hour
Works 4 hrs a day
Dedicated developer
Assign within 24 hrs
Select the expertise you need and sign up to rent an expert.
Create tasks & manage your projects easily from our dashboard.
Use our dashboard or your own tool, its easy to collaborate with experts.
© DesignPac Solutions, LLC 2019. All rights reserved.